
Removal, Repair and Re-installation Services of Peerless Vertical Turbine Pumps and 2,000HP Motor

MSD’s Supplier Diversity department is reaching out to MBEs and WBEs to inform you that the Louisville and Jefferson County (KY) Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) posted a RFP for Removal, Repair and Reinstallation Services of Peerless Vertical Turbine Pumps and 2,000HP Motor at Morris Forman WQTC (18-0612).

  • Scope of work:  MSD is seeking a Company to perform, but not limited to, removal, repairs, and reinstallation services Peerless 2,000HP, 56HH Vertical Turbine Pumps.
  • Pre-Bid Meeting & Site Visit: A Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at Morris Forman WQTC, 4522 Algonquin Parkway, Louisville, KY  40211 on 5/30/2018 at 11:00 a.m. local time.  Attendance is required.  Pre-bid meeting will be held in the Morris Forman Admin Building, Conference Room A.  MSD will reject proposals from anyone failing to sign in at the mandatory pre-bid meeting and site visit.  This will be the only opportunity to take part in a site visit of the pumps.   Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required for this site visit.   You will not be allowed to visit the pump without PPE (steel toed-shoes and hard hat).
  • Pre-Award Contact: Except as may otherwise be provided under Special Provisions, prospective bidders shall have contact with MSD only through Kevin Schmidt, Buyer I at 502-540-6363, email,  or Mary Kirchner, Procurement Supervisor, by email at:   at 700 West Liberty Street, Louisville, KY  40203. 
  • Submittal of Questions:  If any person contemplating the submission of a Proposal for the work is in doubt of the true meaning of any part of the Contract Document, a written request for an interpretation shall be submitted to Kevin Schmidt, at the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, 700 W. Liberty Street, Louisville, KY  40203 or by email at, no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 5, 2018.  Questions received after that date will not be answered.  Questions will be answered by Addenda only.  The person making the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery.

Bid notification can be downloaded at  Visit MSD’s website to ensure you obtain the most recent bid information.  Details are subject to change, but will be updated and posted online in the event this occurs.

Note: The bid opening date is Tuesday, June 12, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m. local time.  All sealed proposals will be received until the time previously mentioned.

To learn more about MSD’s MBE/WBE in MSD’s Supplier Diversity program, please contact Joy L. Walker, Supplier Diversity Manager at or 502-540-6503. 

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