City of Fort Wayne Water Pollution Control Plant Digester Feed & Withdrawals Piping Improvements

Notice to Bid

Company Name: F. A. Wilhelm Construction Co., Inc.

Project Title: City of Fort Wayne Water Pollution Control Plant Digester Feed & Withdrawals Piping Improvements March 2021

Scope of Work: The Fort Wayne Water Pollution Control Plant is making digester feed and withdraw piping improvements. New 6” thickened activated sludge (TAS) and 14” digested sludge (DS) force mains will be installed (HDD &/or open cut) and a jetting vault for these lines will be constructed. A new 24” water line will also be installed (Open Cut &/or HDD) to supply flushing water. There will also be piping modifications to the TAS process piping inside the WAS thickening building and the Digester Complex. There will be DS and TAS process pipe modifications inside the Digested Sludge Pump Station. F. A. Wilhelm is looking for diversity participation for this project.

County: Allen County

Bid Date: April 15, 2021 @ 12:00 P.M.

Point of Contact for Documents/Questions: Justin Winenger, or 317.359.5411

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