Feldun Agricultural Center Machinery Storage and Pesticide Buildings

Furnish design, labor, materials and equipment to construct two (2) post-frame buildings with a sixteen foot-eight inches (16’-8”) truss bearing height.  One building will serve as machine storage (approx. 12,000sq. ft.) and the other as pesticide storage (approx. 8,200 sq.ft.) with a storage room, pesticide load out area with adequate containment. This building will also have an area for equipment storage. The final size and location of the buildings will be determined in the Request for Proposal.  The machine building is to have a gravel floor the building pad will need engineered fill over a large percent of the area.  The pesticide storage building will have a slab on grade at the pesticide storage area and gravel floor at the equipment storage area. The buildings will be classified as a “Class-1” structure in accordance with IC 22-12-1-4 Sec 4 (a) requiring structural performance higher than that of a standard agricultural building. The structure shall be designed to comply with the design criteria indicated in the request for proposal.

C.40.06066 RFQ Notice 1-31-18

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