Fort Wayne Wet Weather Pump Station Addition of Pumps 5 & 6

Project Description: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, insurance, equipment, materials and power for the complete performance of the following project, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT WET WEATHER PUMP STATION ADDITION OF PUMPS 5 & 6 as follows:

1. Provision of two new vertical mixed flow pumps (Pumps 5 & 6), each with a rated capacity of 211 mgd and each provided with a 2,000 horsepower induction motor and variable frequency drive (VFD) equipment. New equipment will be installed into existing facilities.

2. Provision of two new mechanically cleaned bar screens each with a rated capacity of 212 mgd. New equipment will be installed into existing facilities.

3. Upgrades to the existing HVAC system in the existing Wet Weather Pump Station to improve building ventilation.

4. Expansion of the existing HVAC system in the existing WWPS Electrical Building to provide additional cooling capacity. Work includes modifications to an existing air handling unit, provision of a new air handling unit, and associated HVAC Work.

5. Instrumentation and Control Work: New pumping and screening equipment shall be integrated with the existing PLC and SCADA system. Instrumentation and control Work includes enhancements to the existing PLC and SCADA system, provision of new field instrumentation, and other instrumentation and control Work.

6. Electrical Work associated with provision of the new pump-motor-VFD equipment, new screening equipment, HVAC equipment, and other work.

7. General construction work associated with installation of the new equipment into the existing facilities.

8. Replacement of the existing bridge crane in the WWPS Screen Facility with a new bridge crane.

9. Other mechanical work.

The critical project dates are:

Milestone 1 – networking Complete by December 31, 2022

Substantial Completion – October 30, 2023

Final Completion January 31, 2024

Project Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana

Bid Date: April 7, 2022 @ 2:00 p.m.

Contact Person: Derek Davidson, or 317.359.5411

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