City of Greenfield, Indiana Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Project

Project Description

This project includes replacement of the existing WWTP with a new plant consisting of: raw sewage lift station, valve vault, controls bldg.; headworks bldg. w/screening, grit, and odor control equipment; SBR treatment system with blowers, mixers, and decanters; UV disinfection system; low-profile cascade aeration system; non-potable water system; sludge processing system including sludge holding tank, blowers, mixers, decanters, sludge pumps, centrifuge dewatering, polymer feed, and conveyor system; chemical feed system for phosphorus removal, septage receiving station, vac truck screenings drying beds, lab and office bldg., emergency generators, and demo of existing plant equipment, process tanks, and bldgs.

Bid Date

June 28, 2022 @ 9:30 a.m.

Project Contact

Derek Davidson,, 317-359-5411

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