IAA Security System Enhancement – Gate 30C Repackage & Rebid

Project Description:

The Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA) is pleased to announce the following new opportunities:

  • Invitation to Bidders for Security System Enhancement – Gate 30C Repackage & Rebid (Project No. I-22-088)

The Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA) posts all solicitations through the IAA’s solicitation management system, PlanetBids. We ask that vendors register in the system to receive automatic e-mail notifications on future solicitations based on the type of service or supply the vendor provides. Registration for PlanetBids is provided to vendors for free, it is user-friendly, and it is convenient to use. https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/32621/portal-home

Project Location: 7800 Col. H. Weir Cook Memorial Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46241

Contact Person: Contact IAA Procurement with questions or for assistance. PBsupport@IND.com, 317-487-5522

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